Non-Profit Organizations
Best practices for non profit organizations include incorporating major and planned gifts into overall development programs for both future gifts and to bring in larger current gifts. Building relationships with your donors and thinking broadly about ways of giving are key approaches to your sustainability.

My Giving Advisor offers a strategic approach to enable your organization to increase your fundraising revenue and further your mission.
Over twenty years of experience working in one of the nation’s largest not for profits and in building major and planned gift programs in small programs, provide you with consulting services that are based on real life success.
Services provided by My Giving Advisor to a not for profit organization include:
- Developing a major and planned gift plan personally tailored to your organization;
- Staff training on ways of giving and major solicitations;
- Board and donor presentations;
- Web site and communications content on ways of giving;
- Donor/Gift Strategist services;
- Continuing education on cutting edge giving strategies;
- Social Media networking programs;
- General development services such as audits, membership, and annual giving are also available through our network of affiliated consultants;
- Retainer or project pricing.
- NEW — Board presentation on Ways of Giving – how to mobilize your board to give and to ask others to give!
- NEW – Successful Fundraising Today presentations to your staff, board, and volunteers.
- NEW- Donor seminars on ways of giving.
Private Foundations
Private Foundations offer donors excellent flexibility in their giving. However, it is critical that the same thought and planning go into these entities as it did in the businesses and inheritances that made funding the foundation possible.

A strategic approach enables the private foundation to effectively operate and provide community legacies while building capacity for the next generation or successors.
Services provided by My Giving Advisor to a private foundation include:
- Develop a foundation mission statement and philanthropic plan that incorporates the donor’s values;
- Facilitate family/board meetings;
- Engage and mentor younger generations;
- Research and facilitate philanthropic investments;
- Monitor and evaluate grant making to ensure clear outcomes;
- Educate on philanthropic needs and strategies;
- Coordinate involvement with non profits including serving as contact for requests;
- Operational and administrative supports such as request for proposals, grant agreements,
- grant reports;
- Best Practices for Board and operations;
- Serve as Foundation Director on a retainer basis.
Corporate Giving
Corporations are among the most generous givers to our communities. A strategic approach to philanthropy allows a company to promote corporate values, to build brand, and to provide a vehicle for employee engagement while supporting important causes.

Philanthropy should be an extension of your business model not an outlier. My Giving Advisor works with corporations to ensure that your giving adds value to your business as well as to society.
Corporate Giving Services provided by My Giving Advisor include:
- Develop a philanthropic mission statement and plan that incorporates corporate values;
- Establish a cost effective giving program;
- Corporate and personal senior management giving strategies;
- Facilitate philanthropic meetings;
- Engage employees in meaningful community and giving programs;
- Research and facilitate philanthropic investments;
- Monitor and evaluate grant making to ensure clear outcomes;
- Educate on philanthropic needs and strategies;
- Coordinate involvement with non profits including serving as contact for requests;
- Operational and administrative supports such as request for proposals, grant agreements, grant reports;
- Best Practices for Board and operations;
- Serve as Foundation Director.